domingo, 26 de dezembro de 2010

Amused (& in love) with unknown

It always amazes me that no matter how much time you spend pouring over Art History books, obscure archives, etc., you still find something you've never seen before.
Without searching, here's an image of a less pretty creature by Bronzino. Needless to say, it made my morning!

Irritated by nonsense!!!

I love surreal, but nonsense is altogether another matter. And 'empty' movies, that shouldn't have been done at all, irritate me, too...
Just got back after seeing a French movie that was both empty & nonsensical. It didn't make sense at all. A story of a wife that falls in love with an ugly (!!!) Spanish construction worker & leaves her husband (actually, i'd take him - genre petit bourgeois, ma ca va, quand meme!)
And just when you think it couldn't get any worse, she kills the husband...
oh well...I'm sure that the month long new movies from Latin America will make me happier with their real, down to earth problems!!!!

terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Yes, we keep surprising ourselves!

The most surprised of these Rembrandt's self-portraits was a star in my yesterday's enthusiastic work session...
Had about 20 new pieces done...Photos coming soon!

Only one way to read this possible

One of the most hilarious books i've come across... The "Who's Who" in the Surrealist world discussing (i can imagine their serious faces!) all things sex... Questions ranging from "How do you know if a woman you're with is not faking an orgasm?" to "Would you like to make love in a church?" (the best answer to this one was: "No, i'd be distracted by the bells ringing!")
And this little bottle - naughty present i bought for myself to drink to my favorite (or 'one of my favorite') boyfriend's birthday! Cin cin!

Everything tells a story

Walking recenly near my home, i saw that this apartment building used to be a hotel - and what a hotel... oh, if these walls could speak!

Signs of time

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon this stenciled sign, close to a Banksy-like simplicity & touch of genius...
And then i found this 'attraction' in an antique mall... Times change: although we do have more soy mil options available than before, our waistline is not as good as it could or should be...

And there was more, & more, & more

The image below is of a pasta depositary from Buenos Aires... ah ah ah....

New old friends

That's why going to Antique markets alone is fun: you get to spend as much time as you want with new friends like these!

A place to die for...

Continuing with the austerity measures & the sellers working extra hard to make you buy in & buy....
Last Sunday, even though we had a snow storm, i went to check out a place that - surprisingly - i've never been to - Architectural Artefacts.
Huge space filled with antiques (mostly from mi Buenos Aires querido!)
But look - times are hard for everyone - even Death is cheaper this days!

"Austerity" might be the word of the year, but we are far from it!

Austerity measures have nothing whatsoever to do with me, but events like the one above - Renegade Art Fair - is definitely up my alley.
The summer one was bigger & probably better, but the setting of this event was great.
It's amazing to see how everybody's trying really hard to sell something-anything now...
And since i like to check out events of this kind, i had a busy couple of week-ends...